Creating a background from a file

Notes: Visum supports various graphic formats, e.g. *.emf, *.bmp, *.wmf, *.gif, *.jpg, *. png, *.psd, *.tif, *.tga, *.dwg, *.dxf, *.ecw, *.jp2, *.shp, *.sid, *.svg, *.sgi, *.pct (Fundamentals: Backgrounds).

If there is a control file *.bgr for a background, the background is inserted automatically at the position specified in the control file and does not have to be positioned manually.

If there is a World control file for backgrounds in *.tif, *.jp2, *.sid or *.ecw format, the background is automatically inserted at the position specified in the control file and does not have to be positioned manually. You can create World files for backgrounds displayed in the network (Generating world file).

For backgrounds in *.shp or *.dxf format you are asked whether or not the graphics shall be inserted at the position specified in the file.

1.  In the Network editor window, click the  Insert mode icon.

2.  In the Network window, click the Backgrounds button.

3.  Click in the network display.

The Create background window opens.

4.  Select the Graphics file option.

5.  Confirm with OK.

The Open background window opens.

6.  Select the desired background file.

7.  Confirm with OK.

8.  With the mouse pointer click the position at which the upper left corner of the background shall be placed, hold down the mouse button and draw a frame downward and to the right in the required size of the background.

Note: The length to breadth ratio of the background is kept.

The background is inserted in the required size, at the desired position, or at the position specified in a control file (Fundamentals: Backgrounds).

Notes: You can insert an unlimited number of backgrounds in a network.

Visum saves graphic files in version and graphic parameters files only by reference. For this reason, referenced graphic files should not be deleted, renamed or moved to a different directory.

Backgrounds are inserted as links. If you rename or move a background file, it will not be found when opening the version the next time. In that case change the path for backgrounds to the new directory under File > Project directories.

On some network systems, the support of raster graphics greater than 5000 x 5000 pixels lead to a recurring error message. In this case, you can switch off the support in the user preferences. From the File menu, choose > User preferences > User interface > Miscellaneous, deactivate option Load library to support large raster graphics during program start.

The use of large raster graphics will be limited afterwards.